Monitoring Plan

Monitoring Plan

 Key guidance and tools
This is the latest list of indicators recommended by the GWC for WASH assessment as well as, to a lesser extent, for project monitoring 

2014 GWC WASH Indicators Registry & Question.pdf

This document is a compendium of the 36 agreed WASH indicators which are found in the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Humanitarian Indicator Registry (HIR). Each indicator sheet include questions which can be used in assessments and interventions that relate each indicator to response monitoring/4W. Each indicator sheet also include usefull references

2016 IASC Humanitarian Response Monitoring Guidance.pdf

This guidance is meant for all humanitarian actors involved in the preparation of a humanitarian response plan and its monitoring. It gives a definition and explain how to carry out monitoring a humanitarian response plan (HRP), whether for a sudden or slow onset disaster or complex emergency. It ensures a common understanding of the key concepts and define role and responsibilities. This guidance presents the ideal elements for systematic, system-wide response monitoring but its actual implementation in a given context will depend on the capacities and resources allocated for it

2016 GWC Strategic Planning & Monitoring guidance.docx

This guidance by the GWC helps understanding the linkage between strategic planning and developing response monitoring frameworks

2016 IASC HRP monitoring framework template.docx

This Humanitarian Response Monitoring Framework is a template that complements the above guidance

2017 GWC Choosing WASH Indicators & Targets.pdf

This document will help WASH coordination teams choosing SMART indicators and targets for the 4W, WASH Strategic Operational Framework and
the IASC Strategic Response Plan

OCHA’s Humanitarian Indicator Registry

This is the inter-agency registry of indicators. Weblink to be updated in 2019
2017 UNICEF Indicator registry.xlsx

Developped by okular-analytics in 2017, this list complements the above OCHA humanitarian indicator registry. It does not provide indicators for relief projects, but specifically on strategic indicators that could be included in the UNICEF Cluster's Operational Response Plan. The WASH indicators are also presented on a more digestible Logical Framework Analysis Format on the following document: 2017 UNICEF Indicator registry LFA WASH.DOCX

Set up the WASH response monitoring and data analysis plan

The WASH Information Management Officer (IMO) should, in tandem and in consultation with the WASH Cluster Coordinator (WCC), set up the WASH response’s monitoring plan. The monitoring plan (sometime called monitoring framework) includes a series of indicators aiming at measuring progress of the response. Each indicator includes baseline, targets, monitoring tools, collection strategy. Each indicator should include a detailed analysis planclarifying the type, frequency and outputs of the analysis that should be made. A summarized version of each cluster/sector monitoring plan is included in the Humanitarian Response Plan’s annexes (see for example 2017 South Sudan HRP Monitoring plan). Indicators must be carefully chosen so they are coherent with other indicator systems, such as: 

Indicators of the WASH response monitoring plan (commonly referred to as "WASH HRP indicators") are often focused on response progress, ideally informed directly by the activity-tracking system (W-matrix or other). Depending on context and priorities, they can also be related to response quality, or capacity building. The coordination platform may find relevant to set up other WASH indicators additional to the ones included in the yearly HRP. They should be included separately, in the SOF (see for example 2017 WC Bangladesh SOF monitoring framework).

Choice of indicators

  • Using same indicators for assessment and monitoring process will save a lot of time and resource, allowing next HRP's assessment data to be drawn from on-going monitoring system
  • Indicators must be chosen in such a way to minimize burden for both coordination staff and partners when informing them.
  • Indicators chosen must be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound (SMART)

Monitoring plan can also include impact level indicators that can be measured only through a thorough WASH response evaluation process. It will be essential to ensure specific means and budget  for their measurement.

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