Information management

Information management

What is it about

A large volume of information is produced during humanitarian emergencies. This information flow must be absorbed and analysed by the coordination platform, and presented to the WASH partners and other actors in a digestible way so it can be used to improve their response. Coordination work is based on high level of communication between actors, and must be supported by relevant Information Management (IM) dedicated staff, tools and protocols.

Once strategic tasks have been planned (IM diagnosis, work plan, and activity matrix), the Information Management Officer (IMO) starts using tools to enable the functioning of the WASH coordination platform and the information flow between WASH response actors. This is the initial set up of the information management system. IM underpins many coordination functions, from analyzing assessment and monitoring information, setting up WASH response monitoring mechanism, maintaining up-to-date WASH sector contact lists, or setting up Humanitarian WASH related document online filing system. 

In this section, both WASH cluster/sector coordinators and Information Management Officers (IMO)  will find useful tools and templates that can be used throughout emergency responses. 

What are the objectives

  • Connect Humanitarian Program Cycle elements by carrying information from one to another 
  • Inform all humanitarian actors' decision making and analysis processes
  • Avoid gaps and duplication in the response

At least you should do

 GWC Minimum Requirements
  • Information sharing platform established (file sharing system and website - for example: humanitarianresponse.info).
  • Activity reporting form is established and maintained (4/5W or something similar).
  • Information management capacity exists to produce mapping/information products for operational presence and activities of partners.

Other important requirement: 

  • A diagnosis of the IM environment and/or update the IM framework for the WASH Sector.

Click to get the complete list of GWC Minimum Requirements  

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