Activity reporting tool (W-matrix)

Activity reporting tool (W-matrix)

 Key guidance and tools
From weeks 1-4 of a rapid onset emergency or before the development of a strategic plan, this basic Phase 1 - 3W template can be used to collect key operational information to share to the partners.
Once the WASH SOF/HRP indicators are defined, the more extensive Phase 2 - 4W template should be used (using the Excel sheet that lists interventions, units and indicators). This is usually the format used in most protracted contexts.
This Response Monitoring Briefing Sheet aims at assisting IMO in designing a W-matrix to capture activities delivered by WASH partner and calculate overall indicators for a specific emergency
This is a mapping of most analyses that can be drawn from a W-matrix
This is a useful document highlighting the limitations of W-matrix including some potential solutions to better capture key WASH response data.

 Field examples
This is a set of generic 4W using dummy data in several countries.
This a 4W example that includes location types (refugee camps, schools, health centres, etc...).
These are 4W examples capturing data at indicator level rather than activities.
This are 4W examples including automated analyses and charts that combine other datasets (population, FTS).
It also includes a calculation of beneficiaries suing a summation of maximum beneficiaries by location.
This is a useful accompanying guidance for partners on how to fill in the 4Ws which can be adapted to your context.
 Other tools

This is a partner reporting portal (PRP) used by cluster members that include UNICEF IP partners and partners 
who are operating outside of UNICEF contracts. It allows cluster partners in emergencies to report on progress of
humanitarian response against results of Cluster strategic plans which are aligned to an overall Humanitarian
Response Plan or Flash Appeal. In addition, it also enables cluster coordination teams to access and visualize progress.
Stay tuned and follow the link for more information on the piloting and future implementation of the PRP in 2019!

ActivityInfo is a software for data collection and reporting which works online and offline.
It is optimized for reporting on activities which are geographically dispersed and
implemented by multiple partner organizations. 
ReportHub provides an easy-to-use system that includes alerts and notifications for a daily reporting workflow, tailored to your needs. Once entered, the analytics engine processes key business indicators for decision support made available via interactive dashboards.

Prepare the activity reporting tool (W-matrix or similar)

One of the GWC Minimum Requirements for WASH coordination is the establishment of an activity reporting tool such as 5W matrix. A 5W (who, what, where, when and for whom) is a tool to collect information on emergency response activities by partners. Depending on the emergency phase, more basic variants of the 5W can be used: 3W (who, what, where) and 4W (who, what, where, when). A basic activity reporting tool such as 3W can be set up in the early stage of the response, and modified and updated with more details  later once the WASH Operational Response Plan’s monitoring plan has been finalized. The process for setting up a W-matrix can be as follows:

  • The WASH sector coordinator defines to which queries the W-matrix should provide answers. Queries are usually designed to inform the indicators from the response monitoring plan, or informing operational decision  
  • The Information Management Officer designs the W-matrix template following the queries. Design must be done to minimize burden for partner's reporting 
  • Once designed, the W template is sent to partners on a regular basis: weekly at early stage of a sudden onset response, monthly when humanitarian situation is stabilized.
  • The coordination team must train partners to properly fill the W-matrix, and encourage timely reporting of their data.
  • Partners send back the filled W matrix with their activity data (activity location, type of activities, Nb of beneficiaries reached etc.) to the IMO.
  • The IMO analyses data and produce infographics to illustrate results of analysis and feed the various response monitoring report.  

GWC has developed 3W and 4W templates, that can to be customised for each context. See more about adapting and rolling out the 5W in "activity reporting tool" section in the Monitoring and Evaluation chapter

Other tools exist that have been agreed as Activity tracking systems in some countries, such as Activity Info (Irak), ReportHub (Afghanistan, Syria). Expand "Other tools" on top of the page. 

Key external web links

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