Funds tracking

Funds tracking

 Key guidance and tools

Monitor WASH response funding status

Closely linked to the Resources mobilization phase, the objective of the WASH response funds tracking is to ensure that WASH response is funded adequately, both in terms of total amount and prioritization. The main tool available is the online Funds Tracking Services, or FTS (see on top of the section the 2017 GWC How to use FTS, and below in the key external weblinks for the FTS website), where partners must indicate their past, present and planned funding. But partners have no direct obligation to use it, so results can be inaccurate. Partners may also be tempted to report less funds than they receive, in order to continue attracting funds. FTS also does not have any breakdown per geographical or thematic area, thus limiting possibilities of data analysis.

Considering these limitations, FTS remains a very useful tool, but the WASH Cluster coordinator can feel the need to complement it by setting up her/his own Funding Analysis Tracker Matrix.

The Funding Analysis Tracker is a tool aiming to support the National Coordination Team to acquire detailed information on the partners funding. The purpose of this tool is not to replace the FTS tracking system but to provide an alternative & optional tool for funding information, analysis & advocacy.

Funding Tracker Analysis report is also to accompany the funding tracker to ensure the data quality. Once set up, this matrix and report must be updated regularly using and crossing info provided by partners, donors, and from FTS.

Several examples of funding matrices can be downloaded from in the "Field examples" on top of this page.

The WASH cluster sector coordination usually has an easy access to funding data from centralized funds (CERF, CBPF). However a large proportion of WASH partners’ funding comes from other sources: bilateral funding by donors, or aid organizations’ internal funding sources. Non-centralized funding represents a challenge for coordination platforms as they are not consulted or sometimes not even informed of these funding, decreasing the accuracy of sector funds tracking. Where ongoing and planned activities of a partner are known without having access to its budget, it may also be feasible to calculate rough funding estimates through applying standard activity costs. But in general, the WASH cluster/sector coordinator can overcome these challenges by maintaining a high level of communication and trust with non-pooled donors and WASH partners, and update the WASH Cluster/sector funding matrix with information they provide. 

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