Online file repository

Online file repository

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Set up an online folder structure and file repository for WASH cluster/sector documents

To share documents with partners, the WASH coordination platform can set up an online file repository, which is usually easier to maintain than a website. Well-known platforms include DropBox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, etc. Well-managed online file repositories can be essential during emergencies. They can serve to:

  • Facilitate file management and internal information access across the coordination team
  • Share information with partners that is not appropriate for the public website (e.g. contact details)
  • Maintain response documentation and facilitate handovers

When shared folders are synchronized on team members / partner computer, always keep files as small as possible to avoid overloading people’s computer. Try to keep separate (view only) folders for larger reference collections, and/or publish completed documents to the website.

Another critical consideration when maintaining information repositories, particularly those with multiple contributors, is the file-naming convention (see GWC File Naming Guidance in this page). This will help you keep track of which is the latest version of the document. Using specific document categories (see GWC_Country Folder Structure Guidance) will also help someone search for specific documents / examples across the repository.

Did you know?

When requesting to OCHA an access to a WASH HR.Info website with administration rights, OCHA can create a corporate Google account for your Clusters, including 30GB google drive space for free and a generic "<country>wash@humanitarianresponse.info" email address. The national OCHA IMO can provide support on this, or if not available write directly to help@humanitarianresponse.info.

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