Contact management

Contact management

Ā Other tools

Establish & maintain WASH sector/cluster contact management system

Maintaining contact lists during emergencies can be difficult. One single ā€˜Masterā€™ contact list of WASH sector partners should be maintained and shared between the WASH sector/cluster IMO and Coordinator. The contact list might also be shared on the operational website (public or password-protected access), if no security issues prevents it. See GWC Contact List TemplateĀ and GWC Contact List Guidance NoteĀ on topo of this page for more details. Depending on the context, the contact list:

  • can be shared by email through Excel
  • sit within an online document repository (e.g. Google Sheets/Drive, Drop Box)
  • sit within a contact management system (e.g. MailChimp, HIDĀ or Google Groups).

Note that online tools will require good internet connectivity and possibly licenses.

Other online tools or apps can help you to collect and manage contact information. The GWC would advise the coordination team members to register and check in to humanitarian ID website (see below), which will:

  • ensure they are included in all OCHA correspondence
  • improves contact visibility for response actors (all actors registered on Humanitarian ID can see each other)
  • allow the IMO to directly display the team's contacts on the HR.info cluster website (see WASH sector website section).

Key external web links

Mailchimp: originally created to be used for business marketing, mailchimp can be useful to maintain cluster contact list

humanitarian IDĀ contains an extensive list of contact for each emergency responseĀ 

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