Strategic indicators
Monitor WASH response progress against strategic indicators
WASH strategic indicators are the indicators included in the Monitoring plan of the WASH Operational Response Plan, part of the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP). They are used to monitor the achievement of the WASH strategic objectives. It is an important responsibility for the WASH Coordination platform to set up relevant mechanisms to inform these indicators at response level. These mechanisms often involve collection of data from partners about their individual program, and consolidation of these data to provide response level information.
Strategic indicators must be carefully formulated to be measurable (see SMART indicators below), and care should be taken to avoid / limit indicators that depend on systems that have yet to be established. The use of core indicators is strongly recommended. Many strategic indicators can be measured by analysing W-matrix data. Other strategic indicators might be focused on quality, or capacity building, and will require the triangulation of W-matrix data with other monitoring tools.
The WASH Coordination platform must report on these indicators regularly in the monthly WASH response dashboard and in the HRP's Periodic Monitoring Reports, whose frequency are determined by OCHA, or the UNICEF's Humanitarian Performance Monitoring Report (see Reporting & dissemination chapter) .
Key external web links
Definition of SMART indicators on wikipedia