MBP monitoring

MBP monitoring


 Key guidance and tools
The purpose of this document is to provide practical guidance in preparedness, assessment, program design, implementation and monitoring related to the use of all market and cash based modalities in humanitarian WASH assistance. This guidance was developpoed by the GWC TWiG on Cash and Market. 
2019 GWC Multipurpose Cash Outcome Indicators for WASH - FINAL.docx

A guidance on the choice and the use of outcome indicators for MultiPurpose Cash project has been developped by the Grand Bargain cash work stream, led by OFDA. The GWC TWIG for cash and market has contributed to this initiative by providing guidance on which indicators to use for WASH, and under which condition. This document represent the GWC TWiG contribution to this initiative.

 Field examples

 Other tools

Use and provide guidance on the choice of WASH indicators for market & cash modalities 

Today, market support and cash transfer modalities (and in particular Multi-Purpose Cash modality, or MPC), represent a common way of delivering humanitarian aid, including for the WASH sector. The monitoring of the sectorial outcomes of MPC project is complex, as beneficiaries have the freedom to spend the money they receive as they wish. 

The 2019 GWC Multipurpose Cash Outcome Indicators for WASH - FINAL.docx (also available in the key guidance and tools above this page) represents the guidance of the GWC regarding the monitoring of WASH outcome for MPC project.

In general, the position of the GWC is that there are no WASH outcome indicators that should be systematically included in all MPC. The inclusion of WASH outcomes in a project including/utilizing MPC modality is conditional to:

  1. The implementation of a market analysis prior to the project design showing that critical WASH market systems can respond adequately to an increased demand of WASH services and commodities;
  2. The inclusion of WASH related costs in the MPC transfer value, based on the relevant MEB or other means of calculation;
  3. The implementation of further types of interventions and modalities complementary to cash as recommended during the response analysis and design phase to meet sector outcomes. The Global WASH Cluster recommends using MPC with a mix of other approaches such as local WASH market support, community engagement, capacity building, behavior change, direct service delivery, vouchers, labelled or conditional cash transfer where relevant;
  4. The participation of relevant WASH technical human resources to support the management / coordination of all phases of the project (level of assessment, response analysis, design, implementation and monitoring)

If these four conditions are metIf any of these four conditions is not met:
one or several MPC-Contributing Indicators listed in the guidance document can be included.
  • The achievement of WASH indicators at outcome level cannot be assured at sector standards and no WASH outcome indicator should be included;
  • The WASH indicators listed in the guidance can still be used to monitor the situation (but not the project’s results) and take actions to improve the project’s design when necessary.

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