Response prioritization
Contribute to the humanitarian response prioritization
Prioritize WASH response (activities / geographical location / groups)
Once the caseload is defined, the WASH coordination platform works on the response prioritization. A first prioritization exercise was done previously during the HNO process (severity mapping), but it was based on needs, and did not consider parameters such as access to beneficiaries or capacity of actors. Funds will not be allocated immediately, and beneficiaries cannot be all reached at the same time. A prioritization is therefore necessary, to define:
- Priority zones on which efforts of the partners and funding should be focused, based on life saving criteria. For instance, IDP camps at risk of cholera outbreak could be prioritized over other IDP camps.
- Priority population group. In the same way, decision can be taken to prioritize a specific group, because they present a specific vulnerability (ex: IDP, versus host population) or suffer from discrimination. This process should be taken carefully, as it could be considered as not being impartial.
- Priority activities. For instance, water trucking is often considered as a priority activity over hand dug well rehabilitation.
This prioritization is sometimes presented in the HRP as a funding prioritization matrix. In the same way as for the needs prioritization, when there are too many zones or parameters to be considered, analytical methods and tools such as INFORM or 1000Minds can be used.
Participate in inter-sector response prioritization
Once WASH prioritization has been done, it needs to be compared to other clusters priorities to define the inter-sector response prioritization. This process led by OCHA and will require participation from all clusters coordinators.
Key web links
INFORM: Index for Risk Management. Web application developed by IASC and European Commission for risk prioritization