GWC training offer
GWC training offer
Use Global WASH Cluster capacity building offer
The GWC has developed a WASH coordination training pathway for both coordination staff and partners. Presentation of these training are available on this page or on UNICEF learning platform (AGORA), following the links of the bellow table.
Target public | Training name | Description |
WASH coordination staff | WASH Coordination Induction | 1-2 days E-learning. Provide essential information and tools to coordinate WASH Cluster. Based on GWC Coordination Tool Kit. For WASH partners or new UNICEF WASH staff fulfilling a WASH coordination role. |
WASH Operational Coordination training (WOC) | 5 days residential training providing operational tools and skills for WASH coordination. | |
Leadership and coordination training (LeadCo) | 5 days residential training to strengthen the skills for leading humanitarian WASH coordination platform. For expert level Humanitarian WASH cluster / sector coordinators. | |
WOC and LeadCo training of trainers | 5 days residential training to strengthen the skills for leading humanitarian WASH coordination platform. For expert level Humanitarian WASH cluster / sector coordinators. | |
IM training | 5 days residential training to provide Information Management Officers with advanced skills to support information management for WASH coordination platforms during emergencies. | |
Assessment training | Under development | |
Technical trainings | Market Based Programing for WASH in Emergency | 5 days residential training. Build the capacity of WASH practitioners and sector coordinators to use market-based approaches (including cash transfer) to achieve WASH outcomes. Soon available under ToT format. |
Epidemiology and WASH | Understand progression of an outbreak, and monitor & evaluate WASH response | |
Partners' briefing on coordination | Partners' briefing on humanitarian WASH coordination, Module I & II | 2 generic briefing modules of 3h each, providing essential information on partner's roles to actively participate in humanitarian WASH Coordination. To be implemented directly by WASH partners to their staff. For all WASH partners involved in humanitarian response. Also available in arabic |
Partners' briefing on humanitarian WASH coordination, Module III | 1 face to face module, 3h. Template to be customized by national WASH Cluster coordinators and used to train groups of partners staff newly deployed to an emergency | |
Partner's briefing (AGORA module) | Link to AGORA (UNICEF training platform), where different other format are available for the briefing modules, webinar, video |
Key web links
List of key coordination/HPC training and elearning modules
, multiple selections available,
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