SAG and TWiG

SAG and TWiG

 Key guidance and tools

Set up SAG and TWiG

Set up and facilitate Sectorial Advisory Group

IASC advises that cluster should be managed through the creation of a Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) of key operational partners, complemented by separate forums or mechanisms to ensure broader information exchange for all cluster/sector partners. In that configuration, the WASH sector/cluster coordinator only plays a facilitator role, all important decisions and document drafted should be endorsed by the SAG. The WASH sector/cluster coordinator must be part of the SAG, as well as representatives from local actors including the national government. The SAG strengthens the participatory nature of the sector management, and because of it reduced size (from 5 to 10 members) still allows decisions to be taken quickly.  Eligibility to SAG membership and members selection/election process should be outlined in the SAG ToR.

Establish TWiG as needed and monitor their outputs

Technical Working Groups (TWiG) are set up to resolve specific challenges (technical, standards, quality etc). They are task-oriented and time-limited in their formation and ToRs. They are created on a needs-basis, for example to agree minimum standards or formulate appropriate technical practices, and should dissolve once their task is completed. TWiGs are coordinated by a focal point or technical adviser (usually one of the WASH partners) and composed of relevant technical experts. Specific IM and assessment working group can also be created when needed.

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