What is it about?
After estimating the humanitarian WASH sector response budget during Strategic planning phase, the coordination platform should ensure enough funds are allocated to cover it through the following actions:
- Advocating to donors for pre-positioning of funds for the WASH response;
- Supporting partners' proposal writing efforts and coordination;
- Monitoring funds allocated for WASH response to ensure they are sufficient and corresponds to strategic priorities
- Addressing any funding gap through advocacy with donors.
More and more emergency WASH funds are allocated through centralized mechanisms such as Central Emergency Response Funds (CERF) and Country Based Pool Funds (CBPF) and disbursed through OCHA, who facilitate sector funding coordination and tracking. However a proportion of WASH partners’ funding comes from other sources, such as direct funding of aid organizations by donors, aid organizations’ own funds, or bilateral funding of local government. These non-centralized funding represents a challenge for Humanitarian WASH National Coordination Platforms as they are not consulted or sometimes even informed of this funding stream, decreasing the accuracy of funding monitoring and gap analysis.
Resources to be mobilized for the response are not only related to funding, but are also related to WASH human resources, operational and logistic capacity etc. These are developed in the WASH capacity mapping chapter.