Versions Compared


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1- Indirect costing: In protracted emergencies, in September, partners are requested to summarize and upload their planned projects for the next year on OPS website. Cluster coordinators can be asked to pre-validate their project making sure they meet minimum criteria. Operational Response Plan’s cost can be calculated by adding up requested budgets from all approved partner’s planned proposals. This method can be used in sudden onset emergencies

  •   Pros: quick, participative, field oriented, partners can in theory factor in their capacity
  •   Cons: can be very inaccurate

-Partners have tendency to overestimate their funding requirements, and do not necessarily factor in access and capacity


2- Direct costing: WCC use caseload figures, priority activities and unit prices to estimate total response budget him/herself. Activities/beneficiaries unit costs can be estimated directly, or taken from partners’ former projects’ final report (reports’ budget are indeed preferred to proposal ‘s budget, as cost are usually more accurate).

  • Pros: apparent accuracy. Can provide further guidance to partners’ proposal evaluation in terms of unit cost. Help to evaluate future projects cost. Based on population figures/caseload, so access and capacity already factored in.
  • Cons: time consuming for HWCP, based on population figures that are sometimes inaccurate, not participative. Unit cost can be only approximative, and vary from one place to another.

titleNote on direct costing
  • Caseload figure must be broken down per activity, as not all people will be reached by the same all activities.
  • Activities must be broken down per geographical location, as needs are not the same in all location.
  • Unit costs must be broken down per geographical location (for instance, prices can vary greatly based on access).
  • If done precisely, direct costing can be a tedious task, so depending on time available, rough estimations can be used, as long as they are well explained
  • Direct estimation can be especially interesting in case of small geographical scale emergency (localized refugee/IDP camps...)
  • It can be interesting to use both direct and indirect method, and compare one with the other to find the right balance. In that way WCC do not rely 100% on partners estimation, but also have a way to compare its calculation with partners’ estimation.

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