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Monitor the relevancy of WASH response strategy and selected implementation modalities

Several types of implementation modalities can be chosen for the WASH response: direct implementation, implementation through support to the local government or local partners, conditional or even unconditional cash transfer. Other strategic choices were made during the response designSome strategic choices regarding implementation approach (direct service delivery, or market based programing) and modalities (in-kind assistance, cash transfers, voucher assistance, cash for work etc.) were agreed with the WASH partners and included in the WASH Operational Response Plan and the WASH SOF. Technical choices were also made, such as choice of latrine design or behavior change strategy. These chosen modalities are described in the WASH operational response plan as well as the SOF. The WASH coordination platform must monitor during and after the implementation the relevancy of the modalities chosen, to be able to re-orientate the strategy if needed. All these choices were based on the information available and the humanitarian situation at a specific time. They need to be reviewed regularly to ensure they are still relevant to the evolving emergency context, so as strategy can be re-oriented if necessary.   

To be able to evaluate monitor the relevancy of the modality, indicators that will be used for the evaluation must first be selected. They are usually WASH response, adequate monitoring mechanism must be set up. Depending on the context, they can be based on the quality assurance framework system elements (strategic indicators, coverage, accountability and protection, technical quality), complemented with other more general response indicators , such as the impact of the response (see the Response impact evaluation chapter), value Value for money, WASH market monitoring indicators, institutional capacity strengthening indicators etc.Timeliness, Localization, Do no harm principles.


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