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titleYour tasks


titleField examples

Reporting & dissemination


Report & disseminate information on WASH needs, response and gaps

From the initial stages of the emergency, the WASH coordination platform


have a key role in relaying and reporting information on needs and response. Reporting can have many specific objectives:



Operational gap analyses

At subnational level, there is the need for the WASH partners to be quickly informed about needs and response gaps to orientate their operation. Subnational meetings, Detailed gap analysis maps
Inform strategic decision: At national level, there is the need for HC/HCT


, the National WASH coordination platform and the donor to get consolidated information on response input and quality, to understand the reason for bottleneck and be able to


address them. WASH Cluster dashboard and bulletin
Report on strategic indicators

At national level, there is the need to report on HRP strategic indicators, to feed OCHA and UNICEF M&E system.

Periodic monitoring reports

At global level, there is a need for the Global WASH Cluster and WASH partners HQ to understand the situation, the nature of the quality issues faced by the partners and the possible underlying causes (lack of capacity, specific technical or contextual challenges, lack of funding…) in order to provide adequate support and advocate as necessary.


Advocacy reports, global WASH cluster meeting

To enhance accountability and participation, affected population must be informed of the current and expected level of WASH services 

community communication media (posters, TV, radio, group community meeting)

Much of the reporting can be anticipated, and a calendar of reporting requirements can be developed in consultation with OCHA and UNICEF (as CLA) and included in the WASH coordination / IM Workplan in the early stages of the response.

titleWho is doing it?

Reporting is a responsibility shared by all coordination team members, although WCC will be more involved in the reports’ design and finalization, while IMO will work more on content and visualization.

Produce WASH sector dashboard and bulletin


The coordination tool kit includes a WASH Dashboard Manual to help create static and dynamic dashboards, a WASH Bulletin Briefing Sheet and templates, basic gap analysis templates and information on the reporting requirements of OCHA, including the IM Product Catalogue.

WASH Dashboard

A dashboard is typically used to illustrate some key information about the response to an emergency, for instance it can show the progress of a Cluster against targets for a particular intervention. Dashboards are produced on a cyclical basis by the coordinating agency during a response but is it also useful for the WASH Cluster to produce operational dashboards in tandem with the cycle of 4W submissions by partners (per week or month) and share this with partners and the wider community.


  • It helps to illustrate the importance of defined targets to partners;
  • It encourages WASH partners to supply 4W information;
  • It acts as an advocacy tool; and
  • It helps to identify both gaps and over-provision of interventions in the Cluster.
WASH Bulletin

A bulletin/newsletter will contain more text than the dashboard and this is where the Cluster can unpack issues that are arising both thematically and geographically. A bulletin is a good advocacy tool where ‘news’ from partners can be added. A bulletin would normally be produced less frequently than a dashboard, and would typically:
