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titleKey guidance and tools

titleField examples

titleOther tools


Monitor the adherence of the response to the 5 WASH commitments


for safety and dignity of the affected population

There are many ways to ensure that the WASH response is accountable and decrease/avoid protection risk for the beneficiaries ; the coordination platform uses two main tools:

  • The 5 WASH Minimum Commitments for the Safety and Dignity of Affected Populations
  • Feedback and Complain Mechanism 

The WASH cluster/sector coordination is responsible for the following tasks:

Foster the integration of Feedback and Complaints Mechanisms in WASH response and monitor their results

Feedback and Complain Mechanisms (FCM) are contextual, effective, accessible and safe ways for beneficiaries to provide both positive and negative feedback to the agency that have reached their household or community with some activities. FCM are considered as one of the best tools to monitor response quality, as beneficiaries can report directly their level of satisfaction. They also demonstrate a high level of accountability to affected population (AAP) from the partners, as beneficiaries can also report any issues, wrong doing of project staff, or negative side effect of the intervention.

  • In some cases, a unique FCM for the response is set up by an organization external to the response (UNOPS, for instance). All beneficiaries' feedback and complaints are centralized, classified and forwarded to relevant sector coordinators, who then contact partners involved to ensure they issues are addressed. 
  • In most cases, no centralized system exists. The WASH coordination platform is responsible to support partners to , and partners must implement their own FCM system within for their program, with the support of the WASH coordination platform when necessary. This support can be achieved done through the organization of workshop and training on accountability to affected population (AAP) and FCM at the capital or subnational level, and the elaboration of guidelines that can be included in a specific chapter of the Strategic Operating Framework dedicated to AAP. If this has been included in the quality monitoring agreed modalityagreed with partners, the coordination platform can collect and compile results from partner's FCM and use them to provide an analysis of the collective response quality.


The Global WASH cluster partners have agreed in 2012 that 5 WASH Minimum Commitments for the Safety and Dignity of Affected Populations should be respected in all national humanitarian WASH programmes to ensure that the distinct assistance and protection needs of the affected population are met. These commitments, centered on people, aim at ensuring that key issues are taken into consideration by all partners, such as gender, gender based violence, child protection, disability, and age. The respect of these minimum commitments all along the humanitarian programme cycle allows partners to design and implement a participative response.


  • Organize training of partners on the 5 minimum commitments
  • Agree on the commitments' monitoring modalities. for instance:
    • Monitor their use in the field through a centralized FCM
    • Monitor each partner's FCM results
    • Organize frequent workshop with partners staff where implementing issues would be reported and addressed collectively
    • External monitoring done by 3rd partya third party (INGO or LNGO, local governement, private company)